Friday, July 18, 2008

Almaty and towards Mongolia

We got the visas for Mongolia this morning. It's another hot humid day in Almaty and we will hopefully leave the city tonight. The local Office for Visas and Registration promised to return our passports this evening with a two week extension of our Kazakh visas and we have an appointment in the afternoon with BMW. They should by now have a new suspension strut for Marcin's bike. So things are looking well at the moment. Marcin's motorbike sounds a little strange, so there might be some bigger problems coming up. But not yet... unless we find some reason for this strange sound later at BMW.

Unfortunately Kazakhstan is a huge country and we will have to cross about roughly 2000km of flat, plain, hot and I suppose quite boring land before we reach the Russian border. We have heard, as always, different opinions about the road. We'll see...

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